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An Interview with Isaac Oloruntimilehin

Isaac Oloruntimilehin is a Co-Founder, Save the City initiative, and a 2020 Fellow, Local Pathways Fellowship. In this Chat, he takes our attention, as he defines who the man, Isaac is.

That must have been a journey to embark on. What course did you study in school, and what role does it have to play with your fellowship opportunities?
Anthony Chinweuba

I’m currently studying Urban and regional planning at the University of Ilorin and I’m in final year and last semester as well. Urban and regional planning is the art and science of ordering the use of land and siting of buildings and communication routes so as to secure maximum practicable degree of economy, convenience and beauty’.

The local pathways Fellowship is meant to train young urban leaders on how to actualise the SDG 11 (Sustainable cities and communities). The primary role of an urban planner is to create a sustainable settlement.
Isaac Oloruntimilehin

Beautiful. Now this all makes sense. Did you get ready to be a town planner really, or you discovered the beauty in this our great profession (oh by the way, we’re colleagues). I discovered town Planning as I was trying to begin my life journey as an architect. It has been a beautiful experience for me.
Anthony Chinweuba

My interest in town planning arose from Geography in secondary School. I personally decided to study Urban and regional planning. It’s been a great experience overall.
Isaac Oloruntimilehin

What being a ‘fellow’ means, is something that many do not understand. As a fellow of Local Pathways, and a past Fellow of Millennium fellowship, what does it mean to be a ‘fellow’.
Anthony Chinweuba

In this context, a fellow is a participant of a professional development program run by a not for profit, and non governmental organization.
The program is the fellowship and doesn’t last for more than a period two years. During which the fellows are subjected to various forms of training and tasks.

And the fellows work towards achieving the objective of the organization. A fellow is expected to be of good behavior as an ambassador of the fellowship and proper ethical conduct that are in line with the organization values.
Isaac Oloruntimilehin

What kind of training have you been through: Leadership, personal development or Town Planning?
Anthony Chinweuba

A fellowship is a training program itself and there are various types and levels of fellowship with varying entry requirements. Personally, I have attended lot of capacity building programs, enrolled for online courses, and studied more in my academics. Being a millennium fellow is also a training for something higher, as it made my emergence as a local pathways fellow easier.
Isaac Oloruntimilehin

Good to hear. In other words, one right step leads to another brighter future?
Anthony Chinweuba

Isaac Oloruntimilehin

Like you said, the Millenium fellowship made the application for Local Pathways fellowship easier. How can people who are new and interested in this start applying for such an opportunity? How did you get to know of these opportunities?

While applying for the program, what should one have in mind, or what document should one have ready to attach. Lastly, are their some key questions that are asked, and that people usually overlook?
Anthony Chinweuba

The first step is belonging to a professional development network, I have discovered that there are lots of opportunities but they revolve within those circles. Not every opportunity is for a particular person, there’s a need to apply for opportunities that align with a person’s overall goal.

While applying, the CV, motivation letter and statement of purpose are the documents that are usually requested. Questions on the individual, the idea/project and some other technical questions that needs careful thinking and time. All questions are important and will be used on evaluating.

It’s also good to ask someone who is experienced or has gone what kind of program to help review your submissions.
Isaac Oloruntimilehin

No wonder some persons are making a business out of this. What does it feel like, being a student and having gathered all these experience already. Has it made any impact on your relationship with your lecturers and fellow students?
Anthony Chinweuba

It feels great, because I know some things and have skills that were not gained in the classroom. It depends on the type of student or lecturer also, but I have improved relationship with everyone.
Isaac Oloruntimilehin

That’s really. Great to hear. So, with this that you’re currently doing, where do you hope to see yourself in the future?
Anthony Chinweuba

I see myself at the top in my profession globally and the society at large.
Isaac Oloruntimilehin

Wow, that’s good to hear. To the town Planning profession, is there a particular impact you want to make, like, something you want to change or improve?
Anthony Chinweuba

The professional practice of Town planning in Nigeria is to a large extent dependent on the government and it’s also physical development inclined, however planning is much more than physical planning. I would like to make impact by doing something great in the social economic aspect of planning.
Isaac Oloruntimilehin

Wonderful. It’s good to hear more persons talking about the other aspects of this our great profession. I personally believe this will balance the practice of this profession, and will bring about, more comprehensive plans for our cities in the future.
Anthony Chinweuba

Yeah. We need the balance ASAP. I hate it when people say there are no jobs in URP.
Isaac Oloruntimilehin

So… Do you have a role model, someone who you always see and get motivated to keep on doing that which you’re doing?
Anthony Chinweuba

Akinwumi Adesina.
Isaac Oloruntimilehin

Wow, the President of African Development Bank. What particularly about him do you like so much that made him your mentor?
Anthony Chinweuba

He is smart, excellent, brilliant, a young achiever and a Christian.
Isaac Oloruntimilehin

That’s nice. Well, thank you for this opportunity to have this interview with you. I really appreciate having you here, and we look forward to more success stories that may come you way.

What advice would you give to young town planners (especially those who would take you as their role model).
Anthony Chinweuba

Thank you for having me, I really appreciate it. There’s a need to remove all limitations, be innovative and see big. There’s no such thing as luck, but opportunity meets preparation.
Isaac Oloruntimilehin

Be innovative in deed. It saves a whole lot. Thank you Isaac and have a good day ahead.
Anthony Chinweuba

Thank you Anthony.
Isaac Oloruntimilehin

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